
Latest News

January Newsletter

Happy New Year! We have a lot of events coming up, so take a look! Please share widely with your networks.

December Newsletter

The fall quarter is wrapping up, but we still have events and opportunities!

November Newsletter

Take a look at what's happening in November, and share widely with your networks!

October Newsletter

The fall quarter has begun, and we're looking forward to all the great #scicomm activities ahead!

September Newsletter

With the start of a new academic year just around the corner, now is a great time to get involved with Science Says! We have lots planned for the quarter and year, and we're excited to share it all with you. 

August Newsletter

Check out our upcoming events and opportunities, and share widely with your networks.

March Newsletter

Mark your calendars for our Picnic Day prep meeting, April 9th!

Science Says is having a carnival on Picnic Day!

  • face painting
  • coloring book pages
  • science themed trivia (with prizes!)
  • plant-based watercolors
  • pipette-by-numbers

Come help us prepare materials! (but mostly just science-y arts and crafts)

April 9th at 5:30pm

Big Hanna Room (Asmundson Hall)

February Newsletter

  Mark your calendars!

Join us for our February general meeting for an insider's look at science writing as a career. Greg Watry is an accomplished science writer with UC Davis and will share his tips and tricks for success.





Weren't able to make it to the January meeting?

Still curious how the government affected research at the university?

We've got you covered!

January Newsletter

Use our site to promote your blog and practice science writing!